There's a Hole in My Wallet!
In yet another continuing effort at making environmentally-friendly knits, I have been toying with the idea of using hemp yarn. Deciding to scout out my trusty yarn store after work today, I walked in not realizing they were having a sale. Not just any sale, but a once-a-year extravaganza sale where everything in stock is marked down 20% on Friday, 30% on Saturday, and finally 40% on Sunday in honor of Mother's Day.
Now being in my situation—that is, having suddenly become part-time without warning and soon to become unemployed—a smart person would have walked out the store immediately to return on Sunday. I am not a smart person. Instead, I bought yarn. Lots of yarn. Yarn that I use for my neck warmers, bamboo yarn, and other more expensive yarns that I often avoid. A whopping $100 later, I left with a giant plastic bag in tow.
Also, I blew more money on this book just a few minutes prior to walking to the yarn store.